What rules of the rental company do I have to follow?

The instructions that you will receive upon entering into a rental agreement are as follows: You are liable for violation of the rental rules and insurance conditions; You are not allowed to use the rented car for commercial purposes (transfer) or leave it as a deposit; It is strictly forbidden to drive a car in a state of intoxication - alcohol or drugs, as well as to test it "for strength" in off-road conditions (heavy off-road).

You used to be called City Rent Car. Why do you have a different name now?

Yes. As soon as you return our car and express your intention "next time" to rent a car with us, you will be issued a discount code providing a discount of $ 5 per day from the rate for renting any Citty car. And within the next year, not only you, but also any person to whom you want to provide this small service will be able to use it.